Posts filed under 'Briggs “Journalism Next” Chapter Reviews'

Digitize me, please

“Its time for everyone to accept that the amount of information in our lives is going to keep growing” – Mark Briggs As the world is transitioning into socialization on the Web, it is also transitioning into a world of digital data. The amount of information we have at our fingertips through the Internet is […]

Continue Reading Add comment March 23rd, 2011

Practice makes perfect: a beginner’s guide to videography

“The only way to learn video journalism is by doing it. It will take time and practice to master the fundamentals. But don’t let that stop you from trying to learn, because you must just DO IT, over and over, to get good at it. The best thing you can do is attempt to make […]

Continue Reading Add comment March 23rd, 2011

Digital marketing 101

Quality content published in some significant quantity, and engineered to be easily found in search engines is a recipe for a successful digital publishing business. Throughout the course of my blog, you have learned how tweet, how to use photography, how to vlog, and how to maintain your comments area. The last thing you need […]

Continue Reading Add comment March 9th, 2011

Audience comments: the good the bad and the ugly

“Being social with users is easier than ever before, and the more a social a journalist is with people, the more sourcrs a journalist can mine.” There is no denying that comments on news articles are a vital part of reporting today. Comments allow for a new way to connect with “the people formally known […]

Continue Reading Add comment March 9th, 2011

Audio breaking in to the visual and text based journalism market

First we were forced to switch from the type-writer to the computer. Then came the transition from the print media to Internet media. Now we are being thrust in to a world of photojournalism, blog journalism, Twitter journalism, and most importantly: audio journalism. You might be asking yourself what is so great about audio journalism. […]

Continue Reading Add comment March 5th, 2011

The Lord of the Journalists: Fellowship of the Camera

“One can argue that the digital age has had a greater impact on photography than any other single skill or ability” – Mark Briggs You are probably wondering why I am taking precious blog space to teach you about how to use a camera. How hard can it be to pick up a point-and-shoot camera […]

Continue Reading Add comment March 1st, 2011

The Secret life of mobile phones

“Mobile computing will impact our world with the same force as the Internet did in the late 1990s” – Mark Briggs The world is going mobile, and quickly. Being able to use cellular phones for journalism is absolutely critical to journalists, as it always them to “report in any medium, from anywhere, anytime.” In order […]

Continue Reading Add comment February 28th, 2011

Little posts, big world: the wonderful world of microblogging

The one-to-many form of journalism, formally known as microblogging has been taking the world by storm since the invention of Twitter in 2006. The phenomenon allows users to maintain a constant connection with others without a direct communication tool like phone or e-mail. If you don’t tweet, you may be wondering why Twitter is such […]

Continue Reading Add comment February 14th, 2011

Journey to the center of the blog

So you want to be a journalist after you graduate? The most important step you can take to achieve this goal is to create a blog today. You’re worried you don’t know how to use a blog? You don’t have the HTML or CSS experience nor the loyal audience to make your blog successful? You […]

Continue Reading 1 comment February 14th, 2011

We the people: journalists increasingly call upon the public

The “iron curtain” that has separated journalists from the people for so many years has finally fallen, giving way to crowd-powered collaboration. Journalists are finally beginning to realize that their audiences can “add value to their information by processing it –digesting it , organizing it, making it usable.” In this post, we will examine the […]

Continue Reading 1 comment February 14th, 2011

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