Posts filed under 'Individual Tech Blog Items'

Baby boomers: booming into the Internet scene

You’re a young college student who has grown up with technology. You know Microsoft Word, Google, and social media outlets such as Twitter like the back of your hand. The Internet has become second nature to you and you can’t imagine how anybody would have trouble to adapting to it. You also can’t fathom your […]

Continue Reading Add comment April 18th, 2011

Twitter vs. Facebook in building news brands

In her article “Channeling the news brand on Twitter and Facebook,” Mandy Jenkins discusses how newsrooms can most effectively use such social media outlets. One of the most important things to remember, according to Jenkins, is that Twitter and Facebook are not equal, and therefore require individual attention. Jenkins offers the following advice to help […]

Continue Reading Add comment April 8th, 2011

How social media would have affected 9/11/2001

LA Weekly blogger Alexia Tsotsis examines how social media would have influenced reactions to the September 11th attacks in the article “What would 9-11 be like in the age of Social Media.” She explains that, “our real-time communication platforms would provide crucial information on survivors and those looking for loved ones, as Craigslist did after […]

Continue Reading Add comment April 8th, 2011

Response to “Mindy McAdams: reports vs. stories” review

Several weeks ago I wrote a review on Mindy McAdams article “Is your story actually a story.” In said article I discussed McAdams beliefs on novice journalists and how they have difficulty finding actual stories. I never, however, came to a conclusion on how to create or what constitutes a good “story.” In her more […]

Continue Reading Add comment April 4th, 2011

Timelines: bringing interactivity to reporting

“A timeline is a useful — and helpful — type of information graphic, and fairly common in journalism,” Mindy McAdams When creating packages for the Internet, we often become caught up in using a one size fits all formula of a written story by accompanied several photographs, a video, or maybe even a short sound […]

Continue Reading Add comment April 4th, 2011

Making sense of the digital world despite the myths

The world of journalism brings with it an enormous amount of confusion, as we are in one of the biggest transition period since the printing press. In his article “5 Myths about digital journalism” Mark S. Luckie speaks of several points of confusion, and tries to debunk them. The first myth he speaks of is […]

Continue Reading Add comment March 10th, 2011

Twitter is not a popularity contest: most followers is not equivalent to most successful

Mass friending on social media: its something that almost everyone is guilty of. You, though, could not possibly be guilty of such an offense! How proposterous, right? Ask yourself the following questions concerning Twitter: 1. When or why did you get your Twitter? Was it for personal entertainment or was it for business purposes that […]

Continue Reading Add comment March 10th, 2011

Mindy McAdams: reports vs. stories

“There are stories right under our noses everywhere we go. There’s no need to go to “an event” to find a story. I don’t mean deep analysis, but rather a spark, a nugget, a neat little twist.” Mindy McAdams, journalism professor and expert on online journalism, explains that “a lot of journalism is merely reports,” […]

Continue Reading Add comment March 10th, 2011

Soldier Transition Project

For my online journalism course with Professor Steve Klein, I am required to create a multimedia project with several other classmates. We are able to chose our topics and choose our teams, keeping in mind stories that work well over multiple media outlets and keeping in mind the need for multiple skill sets. Several weeks […]

Continue Reading Add comment March 9th, 2011

Columbia professors on new media

“Its painful going from being a caterpillar to a butterfly” — June Cross, associate professor of broadcast, Columbia University If you need any reassurance on the future of journalism or you need to be convinced that journalism is anything but a dying breed, look no further than the following video. In the video, by Columbia […]

Continue Reading Add comment February 22nd, 2011

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